Campaigners warn over salt levels in bread
"Eating too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of developing heart disease.
Recommended dietary salt levels vary with age. Adults are meant to have no more than 6g of salt in their diet per day, while toddlers should have no more than 2g."
"The Department of Health needs to ensure that all bread is clearly labelled and that all manufacturers reduce the salt of bread to less that the salt target of 1g per 100g.
"It is the very high levels of salt that is hidden in everyday food, such as bread, that puts up both adults' and children's blood pressure."
High Blood Pressure or hypertension have many causes.
Some factors that could affect blood pressure are:
1.Increasing Age,
3.Family History,
4.Ethnic Origin or race
5.Lack of Exercise
6. Diet
Increase in blood pressure could also be due to other systemic diseases like diabetes,renal problems etc.
We cannot do something about our genes and race.But we can control what we eat and we can choose to be active or not.
Ways to avoid high blood pressure are
1.Eating healthy like food low in salt
2. Avoiding too much animal fat
3.Eating more fruits and vegetables
4.Drinking lots of water
5.Exercising or simply being active
6.Controlling our weight would improve our chances of preventing hypertension.
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