A Nuclear Reactor Plant in the US |
Japan Finds Contaminated Food Up to 90 Miles From Nuclear Sites
Food safety inspectors said the amount of iodine-131 found in the tested milk was five times higher than levels deemed safe. They said the iodine found in the spinach was more than seven times higher. The spinach also contained slightly higher amounts of cesium-137.
Iodine-131 and cesium-137 are two of the more dangerous elements that are feared to have been released from the plants in Fukushima. Iodine-131 can be dangerous to human health, especially if absorbed through milk and milk products, because it can accumulate in the thyroid and cause cancer. Cesium-137 can damage cells and lead to an increased risk of cancer.....
Dr. Swartz said people consuming milk and produce, particularly children and pregnant women, should be taking potassium iodide, which saturates the thyroid gland with nonradioactive iodine, and prevents it from taking in the radioactive form. Children and fetuses have the highest risk of thyroid cancer from exposure to radioactive iodine.
The Japanese authorities recommended Wednesday that people in the affected area start taking iodine......via New York Timeshttp://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/20/world/asia/20japan.html
The disaster in Japan Nuclear Power Plant will cause nuclear radiation exposure to possibly lots of people affecting their life and causing future illness.According to experts,exposure to 100 millisieverts a year can lead to cancer.Children,young adults and elderly are very vulnerable including those who work in these reactor site.The radiation from the power plant will expose people to 3 harmful radioactive elements.These elements can cause illness like cancer and DNA damage if the body absorbs more than its limit.Radiation poisoning is also a worry for those who directly comes in contact or works in the affected nuclear plants.It could cause destruction of the blood cells,gastrointestinal and neurovascular symptoms.
Prevention is the best illness protection from nuclear radiation.But if exposure can not be avoided there are possible protection we can use for each radioactive material.
Radioactive materials and illness as a result of Nuclear Radiation exposure:
1. Iodine 131
- found in the air from reactor plumes,when inhaled, it goes to the thyroid glands.
Illness it can cause - Cancer of the thyroid glands
Illness Protection:
Potassium Iodide in the form of pills or tablet.It should be taken before exposure to radio active iodine or with in 6 hours after exposure.It works by saturating the thyroid preventing the damaging effect of radioactive iodine.
2. Cesium 137
- It is an environmental contaminant.This is found in contaminated food and water as well as inhaled dust.It affects the whole body.Exposure to this element is usually caused by nuclear accidents.Once it is in the body,it targets mainly the soft tissues like muscles,fat etc.It is eliminated in the urine.The health risk is dependent on length, strength and source of exposure.
Illness it can cause - Cancer
Prussian Blue by helping the body eliminate the radioactive elements.
3. Strontium 90
It is an environmental contaminant like cesium 137 contaminating food and water. It acts like calcium and goes to the bones and bone marrow.Just like Cesium 137, the risk depends on strength and length of exposure.
Illness it can cause - cancer of the bone, cancer of soft tissues near the bone and leukemia.
Calcium Gluconate IV
Radiation Poisoning symptoms
2. vomiting
3 .falling blood count
4. bleeding
5. infection
6. abdominal pain
7. neurological effects- like decreased level of consciousness in very high radiation exposure
8. death - very high doses
Possible Treatment is mostly supportive
1. Antibiotics
2. Blood products
3. Colony Stimulating Factors
4. Stem Cell transplant when necessary
A Few Things one can do if there is nuclear accident
1. Stay indoors to avoid exposure to radio active materials.
2. If exposed out doors,remove your clothes and put them in a sealed container then shower.
3. Leave or stay away from the area of exposure if possible.
Reference Wikipedia
Another way of treating low thyroid gland is through whole-food nutritional bovine glandular from grass-pastured stock, raised without antibiotics and growth-stimulants which is found inside Desiccated bovine thyroid . Remember, it helps in better functioning of thyroid gland by promoting thyroid hormone synthesis.